What I have is an extremely large text file that needs to go into a specific column at a specific raw. The file is around 100k lines. So what I want to do is read the whole file, and for each line append into that specific SQL column the line. Here's what I have but i really need help on the SQL query
string[] primaryfix = File.ReadAllLines(dinfo+"\\"+filex);
string filename = filex.ToString();
string[] spltifilename = filename.Split('.');
foreach (string primary in primaryfix)
string sqltable = ("dbo.amu_Textloadingarea");
string sql = "update " + sqltable + " set [Text] = [Text] + '" + primary + "' where begbates = '" + spltifilename[0] + "'";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source= Corvette ;Initial Catalog= GSK_Avandia_SSECASE;Integrated Security= SSPI");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
everything is fine except for the string sql, it doesn't update the way I would like it to.
Any help is always appreciated.