I have a wcf service created that's being consumed by a silverlight application. We are using the service to get geographic data back:
- A point (consisting of an X and Y double)
- A shape represented as a List>
Our one service method returns a collection of "Items" which contains a "Object ItemData" property. Depending on the data we get from the database, the ItemData property is either set as a Point or a List>
For some reason we are able to get a single point object anytime I try to pass the List> the service times out. We maxed out the buffers in the config which didn't fix anything. I changed the service to only return one item in the List> and it still throws the error. Went as far as converting the list to use arrays instead but with no luck.
Any ideas as to what could be happening? I don't get any exceptions that I can see in the WCF service. Fiddler hasn't been much help either :-\