



Is there a way to get the database column DataType length information given a table's EntityType?

Example SQL (SQL Server) that you can run to see precisely what information I am looking for:

select as 'Table Name', as 'Column Name', as 'DataType', 
    sys.columns.max_length as 'Max Length', 
    sys.columns.precision as 'Precision'
    sys.columns, sys.systypes, sys.tables
    sys.columns.system_type_id = sys.systypes.xtype 
    and <> 'sysname' 
    and sys.tables.type = 'U' 
    and <> 'sysdiagrams'
    and sys.columns.object_id=sys.tables.object_id
order by, sys.columns.column_id;

The last 3 columns contain the data that I would like to have access to because I'm generating some documentation. One example reason for the documentation is: Entity Framework will throw an Exception by default if a string is set on a property that can't support it's length. A developer without access to the database metadata has a challenge with the discoverability of length requirements in this case.

Thanks, Aaron

+2  A: 

Unfortunately no.

Even if that information is correctly captured in the SSDL (i.e. the Storage Schema Definition language) there is no public API in EF to go from C-Space (conceptual model) property to S-Space (storage model) column.

If your model is simple you can perhaps infer that information, using the EF metadata workspace and some simple heuristics, but once things get even a little complicated, those heuristics will break down.

Your only option at that point is to write code to interpret MSL (mapping or CS-Space) files, and use that in conjunction with the MetadataWorkspace to go from C-Space to S-Space.

EDIT: as pointed out by KristoferA you often have the attribute on the C-Space property, so you can go to directly to that. Unfortunately that is not always the case, and often it gets out of sync with the database.

Alex James
But... there are conceptual model attributes that contain that information for fields where it apply. Assuming that info is kept up to date you can load it from the CSDL rather than having to look up mappings etc.
KristoferA -
Absolutely. I meant to mention this...
Alex James
Btw, if/when those attributes get out of sync it is a breeze to update them again with the model comparer in my add-in... ( )
KristoferA -
@KristoferA - - it does look like the CSDL file contains the length data that I am looking for - thank you.