- I have a Skill class, which hasMany RoleSkills.
- I have a RoleSkills class which belongsTo Role and Skill
- I have a Role class which hasMany RoleSkills
For Role, I have a mapping that cascades operations to RoleSkills. The question is, does it make sense for RoleSkills to "cascade" back to Skill?
I basically want to have a RoleSkill create a new skill when it is created, but if RoleSkill gets deleted, leave the Skill class (they are basically the same, but once one person makes a RoleSkill I want that Skill the be available for other people to use).
In grails, whenever I make a new Role, and assign it a RoleSkill I am getting a message about RoleSkill.skill being null, so I need to find a way to cascade "up" to create a new Skill whenever a new RoleSkill is made.