



Known Issues

* Possible inaccurate timestamps: timestamps are recorded at the time the application dispatches to Google Analytics, so if a user experiences long periods of offline use, the timestamps may not be 100% accurate.

That seems to be putting it mildly -- if you have an iPhone App that is offline for two days then when it finally connects up and pushes up the app's pageviews and events they'll be timestamped at that time, days later?!? Presumably all in a bunch too, so any kind of duration information is lost.

If you want to use server-side code to supply tracking data by sending __utm.gif requests in code you'll have the same problem if you try to batch up data before sending?

There isn't the ability to tell GA what time the pageview/event actually occurred?
If not, what good is GA for anything other than browser-based clicking?

I posted this question on the Google forums also, btw. Thanks everyone in advance,
