



Is it possible to write your own validator in grails that will return a valid object?

Something like:

static constraints = {
    name(validator: {val, obj ->
        if (Drink.findByName(val)) return [Drink.findByName(val)]

In other words - if the Drink already exists in the DB, just return the existing one when someone does a

new Drink("Coke")

and coke is already in the database

+1  A: 

You cannot do this with a custom validator. It's not really what it was meant for. From the Grails Reference:

The closure can return:

  • null or true to indicate that the value is valid
  • false to indicate an invalid value and use the default message code
  • a string to indicate the error code to append to the "classname.propertName." string used to resolve the error message. If a field specific message cannot be resolved, the error code itself will be resolved allowing for global error messages.
  • a list containing a string as above, and then any number of arguments following it, which can be used as formatted message arguments indexed at 3 onwards. See grails-app/i18n/ to see how the default error message codes use the arguments.

An alternative might be to just create a service method that 1) looks for the domain and returns it if it exists, 2) otherwise, saves the domain and returns it.

There's probably a more elegant alternative. Regardless, Grails' constraints mechanism isn't (and shouldn't be) capable of this.

Rob Hruska
Ok - thanks! I was hoping for an elegant solution. I saw that reference but wasnt sure if how all inclusive it is
Yeah. Ultimately, if you use a service or domain method to do this it will be more maintainable in the future, so you're probably better off.
Rob Hruska