



Do you know a good payment gateway with "purchase credits" to integrate in a php+mysql website? If is not clear i mean those system where you can buy 50 credits (ala Facebook) and you can spend them playing games or accessing any website restricted content?

is that something that has to be done on my side or the company who sells the gateway does the complete package?

+1  A: 

The payment gateway doesn't care what you're selling. They are only interested in the fund transfers from the card to you.

you'd have to build a system to manage how many credits a user has, how much different 'games' cost in credits, etc. Basically, the payment gate way will ask you "how much do we charge the user?" and when you give them that detail, they'll come back with a "yes, we've charged x amount" You'll then need to write the script to calculate how many credits that equals and assign them to the account.

Paypal is a good cheapie gateway, especially if you don't know what volumes to expect (they don't charge a monthly fee like most of the rest).

thanks, now i have a better picture

PayPal have basic HTML gateways which can send you emails.

Then they also have the more complex IPN system which I have written code for before.

It's not too difficult, and gives you much more power.

Thomas O

Hey, this is a topic similar to one I have been looking into and really need some help...

I am building a site that connects people ... one person wants something done and is willing to pay for a service, the other person gets paid to do the task.

I want the person who wants the work done to pay upfront... say $30, then the person doing the task does the work and marks the task as complete. The money is held for 3 days from when the task is marked complete and then released to the task doer minus 10% fee for my company.

I have no idea how to do this?

Would love some ideas.

