How can I find out the default value of a column in a table using a SQL query?
Using the sp:
sp_columns @tablename
I get some info on the columns of a particular table but the default value of the columns is missing, How can I get it?
How can I find out the default value of a column in a table using a SQL query?
Using the sp:
sp_columns @tablename
I get some info on the columns of a particular table but the default value of the columns is missing, How can I get it?
SELECT object_definition(default_object_id) AS definition
FROM sys.columns
WHERE name ='colname'
AND object_id = object_id('tablename')
SELECT AS table_name, AS column_name,
sm.text AS default_value
FROM sys.sysobjects so
JOIN sys.syscolumns sc ON =
LEFT JOIN sys.syscomments SM ON = sc.cdefault
WHERE so.xtype = 'U'
AND = @yourtable
ORDER BY so.[name], sc.colid