I've got a funky bug that's driving me nuts. Can anyone help me find it? Try calling the function with two words that differ only by a missing last character ("garble" vs "garbl"). The function is returning 0 instead of the expected 1. It's supposed to return 1, right?
I've tried fiddling with the array bounds but that's only causing IndexOutOfRangeExceptions
public static class FuzzyStringMatcher
private const int DELETION = 0;
private const int INSERTION = 1;
private const int SUBSTITUTION = 2;
private const int TRANSPOSITION = 3;
private const int COST_OF_DELETION = 1;
private const int COST_OF_INSERTION = 1;
private const int COST_OF_TRANSPOSITION = 1;
private const int COST_OF_SUBSTITUTION = 1;
public static int Compute_DamerauLevenshtein_Distance(string a, string b)
int[,] rows = new int[a.Length + 1, b.Length + 1];
int cost_ratio;
int[] calculations = new int[4];
// Init the array
for (int i = 0; i < rows.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
rows[i, 0] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < rows.GetUpperBound(1); i++)
rows[0, i] = i;
for (int aidx = 1; aidx < rows.GetUpperBound(0); aidx++)
for (int bidx = 1; bidx < rows.GetUpperBound(1); bidx++)
if (a[aidx - 1] == b[bidx - 1])
cost_ratio = 0;
cost_ratio = 1;
calculations[DELETION] = rows[aidx - 1, bidx] + COST_OF_DELETION;
calculations[INSERTION] = rows[aidx, bidx - 1] + COST_OF_INSERTION;
calculations[SUBSTITUTION] = rows[aidx - 1, bidx - 1] + cost_ratio * COST_OF_SUBSTITUTION;
calculations[TRANSPOSITION] = int.MaxValue;
if (aidx > 1 && bidx > 1 && a[aidx] == b[bidx - 1] && a[aidx - 1] == b[bidx])
calculations[TRANSPOSITION] = rows[aidx - 2, bidx - 2] + cost_ratio * COST_OF_TRANSPOSITION;
rows[aidx, bidx] = calculations.Min();
int score = rows[rows.GetUpperBound(0) - 1, rows.GetUpperBound(1) - 1];
if (a.Contains(b) || b.Contains(a))
score = score / 2;
return score;
My implementation is based off the algorithm given in the Wikipedia page on Damerau-Levenshtein-Distance