I am doing some work on a web site that has a secure area which is available to users only after they have logged in. In this area there is a page with links to pdf documents which can be downloaded. The physical documents are outside of the web site's root directory. The links to the pdf documents look something like this:
Which executes the following (note: I know this is the way to force a download rather than open the file inside the browser):
// check security, get filename from request, prefix document download directory and check for file existance then...
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($file) . '"');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
header('Connection: Close');
This works well but in Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 7 (I haven't tested with any other browser) won't open this file inside the browser, they both show the download dialog box (as expected). If I select Open rather than Save, the document is downloaded and Adobe Reader is started outside of the browser to render the document.
The problem I have is downloading the file inside the browser and having the correct default file name if saved.
I would like the document to open in the browser. One way of doing this is using the header "Content-Disposition: inline;" but this means that I can't specify a filename (because is seems to be ignored by the browser). The problem with doing that is when I save the document, the default name is that of the URL, not the filename of the pdf document:
How can I get Firefox and Internet Explorer to open the document inside the browser and provide the correct default filename to save?