we identify client software using Version class and use these values extensively, we also store these values in database. How would you store unknown version value? We can get unknown version value if we wasn't able to successfully query client version.
I ask because I'm fond of Null object pattern, I don't like constant checks for null, and I wish that Version type was a value-type instead of reference-type. But Microsoft implemented Version type as reference-type. At the same time, in .NET v4 they added TryParse() method, which in case of failure saves result as (0,0) but not Null. If you call default constructor without providing exact version value, you would get (0,0) value, and internal fields get initialized to (0, 0, -1, -1). Perhaps, Microsoft realized, that Version should be value-type, who knows :).
But what is the best approach in handling unknown version values? Always check for null, or use default constructor?