



Microsoft Visual C++ Express does not include the built-in resource editor that comes with the professional versions. Are there any good, free, alternatives out there that let you visually edit those .rc files?

Note: I am talking about the resource script source files used by Visual C++ to compile the resources, not the compiled resources themselves (i.e. the program would need to be able to visually edit menus and dialogs in a similar way as MSVC++ does it).

+3  A: 

I use XN Resource Editor and am quite happy with it.

Scott W
Sorry, my mistake. I meant .rc, not .res. The program you linked to does not seem to be able to edit resource scripts (text format).
Anders Sandvig
From the website: "the latest version of my popular Resource Editor - brought up to date with XP Manifest, Accelerator table and .RC file support." -- haven't tried it myself, did you give it a shot?
Scott W
Yes, I tried version supports importing .rc files--but it does not seem to provide a visual/graphical environment for creating or editing dialog resources, etc.
Anders Sandvig
+5  A: 


ResEdit is a free Resource Editor for Win32 programs. You can use it if you want to use dialogs, icon, version information or other types of resources. Output files can be compiled by any Win32 compiler, like MinGW and Microsoft Visual C++. To open a file which uses Win32 API symbolic constants, you will also need Win32 header files (usually coming with you compiler).

It's not the greatest tool, but it does its job. I had to manually edit the .rc file to put an #include <commctrl.h> in, and it crashed on occasion.

Microsoft eVC++4 (googlable, currently at is free, and comes with a built in resource editor. You can certainly create .rc (etc) files for MSVC++6 and onward (e.g., MSVC++2005e,2008e) with it. Using it to edit existing MSVC++6 (etc) files is not always as easy, as eVC is intended for Windows CE, which doesn't define all of the styles VC++6 uses (e.g., SS_SUNKEN), but you can always manually add them to your resource.h file (the appropriate values are searchable by looking in the .h's that come with MSVC++, and once you've done it once it should "just work".

Edit: I have found that it is better to just remove incompatible VC++6 styles (e.g., using a text editor), as some of the absent styles cause the window containing them to fail to display.