I need to copy data from one database into my own database, because i want to run it as a daily cronjob i prefer to have it in bash. I also need to store the values in variables so i can run various checks/validations on the values. This is what i got so far:
echo "SELECT * FROM table WHERE value='ABC' AND value2 IS NULL ORDER BY time" | mysql -u user -h ip db -p | sed 's/\t/,/g' | awk -F, '{print $3,$4,$5,$7 }' > Output cat Output | while read line do Value1=$(awk '{print "",$1}') Value2=$(awk '{print "",$2}') Value3=$(awk '{print "",$3}') Value4=$(awk '{print "",$4}') echo "INSERT INTO predb (value1,value2,value3,value4,value5) VALUES($Value1,$Value2,'$Value3',$Value4,'n')" | mysql -u rb db -p done
I get the data i need from the database and store it in a new file seperated by spaces. Then i read the file line by line and store the values in variables, and last i run an insert query with the right varables.
I think something goes wrong while storing the values but i cant really figure out what goes wrong.