Why do you need a method to raise an event?
If you're performing an action from outside an object, then the action you perform should cause the event to be raised without there being an explicit call to an "event-raising" method.
If your event is being raised internally simply have a RaiseEvent line when you want to raise the event, there's no need to call a method to do so.
If you have an object which is receiving a call from another object purely to cause it to raise an event, then I'd suggest that you have a problem with your encapsulation...
EDIT: If you're using a method as part of implementing iNotifyPropertyChanged (rather than just raising the "PropertyChanged" event, which is all iNotifyPropertyChanged requires...) then why not name the method "notifyPropertyChanged" so as to show that it's part of that implementation?
EDIT2: MSDN code which follows this convention: How to: Implement the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface