I've created an httpModule to handle URL remappings, and it works great on my test system. A request for www.mydomain.com/Some_Fancy_URL
gets rewritten to www.mydomain.com/some.aspx?fancy=23
and so on.
When I deploy to the actual web site, I'm getting the default IIS 404 page though.
After doing some research online, it would seem that I need to setup "Wildcard Mapping" in IIS 6 to get the request past IIS and in to my httpModule. The problem is that the site is hosted on a shared server, so it may not be possible to get the ISP to make that change.
My question is, can't I use an httpHandler to tell IIS how I want these requests handled? For example:
<add path="*.aspx" verb="GET,POST" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory" validate="false"/>
It would seem like adding this to my Web.Config should tell IIS to stop validating the existence of .aspx files, and just pass the request along for me to process. It doesn't work though.
Any suggestions?