



Hi all I'm running into a situation where link buttons are not responding on a gridview control in one of my apps deployed on a production machine. Not sure exactly what's going on.

The problem is very similar to this one although I've examined the output html on the page and it looks reasonable. Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

+1  A: 

If these LinkButtons are being dynamically created as part of the DataBinding of the gridview, they must also be re-created during the postback.

Page_load fires before the linkbutton click event does, and if after page_load is complete that same link button has not been re-created there is no event hooked up as the link button does not exist at that time, and the click event won't fire.

Corey Downie
+1  A: 

Any chance javascript is disabled in the browser? I've also had trouble like this with certain AV security apps that muck with javascript in the browser.


Turns out this was an issue with SQL server authentication. It was not immediately apparent to me because I was running my app in Firefox which did not display any errors; just non responsive UI elements. Running things in IE revealed the problem. I adjusted permissions on the database I was trying to connect to and things now work correctly. Thanks for your suggestions everyone.

Rob Segal