



I am trying to create a linked list just to see if I can, and I am having trouble getting my head around it. Does anyone have an example of a very simple implementation of Linked list using C#? All the examples I have found so far are quite overdone.

+1  A: 

This one is nice:

  namespace ConsoleApplication1

    // T is the type of data stored in a particular instance of GenericList.
    public class GenericList<T>
        private class Node
            // Each node has a reference to the next node in the list.
            public Node Next;
            // Each node holds a value of type T.
            public T Data;

        // The list is initially empty.
        private Node head = null;

        // Add a node at the beginning of the list with t as its data value.
        public void AddNode(T t)
            Node newNode = new Node();
            newNode.Next = head;
            newNode.Data = t;
            head = newNode;

        // The following method returns the data value stored in the last node in
        // the list. If the list is empty, the default value for type T is
        // returned.
        public T GetFirstAdded()
            // The value of temp is returned as the value of the method. 
            // The following declaration initializes temp to the appropriate 
            // default value for type T. The default value is returned if the 
            // list is empty.
            T temp = default(T);

            Node current = head;
            while (current != null)
                temp = current.Data;
                current = current.Next;
            return temp;

Test code:

static void Main(string[] args)
    // Test with a non-empty list of integers.
    GenericList<int> gll = new GenericList<int>();
    int intVal = gll.GetFirstAdded();
    // The following line displays 5.

I encountered it on msdn here

Andrzej Nosal
Nice example... but why not `GetHead()`?
@codekaizen Yes good point, I renamed it to GetFirstAdded
Andrzej Nosal
I think you went a little wrong there I think the The "GetLast" was Method was correct
@A. Nosal - @Shane seems correct. You were right; the rename is not quite right. I was just thinking to add a new method for getting the list head.

A simple Google search yielded this article:

looks pretty simple on first glance...

Also, when you're ready for the next level, use reflector to examine Microsoft's own LinkedList

+4  A: 

A Linked List, at its core is a bunch of Nodes linked together.

So, you need to start with a simple Node class:

public class Node {
    public Node next;
    public Object data;

Then your linked list will have as a member one node representing the head (start) of the list:

public class LinkedList {
    private Node head;

Then you need to add functionality to the list by adding methods. They usually involve some sort of traversal along all of the nodes.

public void printAllNodes() {
    Node cur = head;
    while ( != null) 
        cur =;

Also, inserting new data is another common operation:

public void Add(Object data) {
    Node toAdd = new Node(); = data;
    Node current = head;
    // traverse all nodes (see the print all nodes method for an example)
    current.Next = toAdd;

This should provide a good starting point.

GREAT simple answer thanks!!
@Shane, you are welcome. Let me know if you have any other questions.
@Justin are you sure it is clear for a beginner what you mean by "traverse all nodes"?
@insertNick, well I used that term when I introduced the PrintAllNodes method. But it may be slightly confusing
isnt the head always null? is it meant to be like that?
@shane, well, in this example yes. You will have to have some special cases for adding to an empty list.