



This question was previously asked and answered correctly, but there did not seem to be a solution posted.

If a site has iframes, and one wants to prevent those from being enclosed in a frame from a different domain, simplistic frame-busting will not be useful:

<script>if (top != self) top.location = location</script>

However, since cross-frame scripting to other domains should generate exceptions, something like this seems to work well inside the iframe:

try {
  if (window.document.domain != top.document.domain) {   // throws exception
    throw "You naughty puppy!"; // Should not ever get here, right?
catch () {
  top.location = "/error/naughtypuppy";

The if above should be enough on its own to prevent cross-domain framing of iframes. It should only ever return false or throw an exception, so is there anyway the script could reach the throw statement in a browser?

Would this be sufficient to prevent framing only from other domains?

try {
  var bogus = top.document.domain;
catch () {
  top.location = "/error/naughtypuppy";

Edit: A similar solution is hinted at here, but one would not rely on the parent frame to include the frame-busting code. . Essentially the same solution as "try to access the other frame and bust if an exception occurs."