



I have the project as set-up below. I am trying to delete a project, and I get the following:

2010-09-29 11:45:22,902 [http-8080-1] ERROR errors.GrailsExceptionResolver  - deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associatio
ns): [Project#204]
org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [Project#204]
        at ProjectController$_closure6.doCall(ProjectController:50)
        at ProjectController$_closure6.doCall(ProjectController)
        at org.jsecurity.web.servlet.JSecurityFilter.doFilterInternal(
        at org.jsecurity.web.servlet.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(

Is there any way to get hibernate to tell me which object has the reference back to the Project object that would be re-saved. What is wrong iwth my project set up that is causing this circular exception?

public class Project implements Comparable
    static belongsTo = [employee:Employee]

    static hasMany = [roles:Role]
    static constraints = {

    static mapping = {
          description type:"text"
          roles lazy:false, cascade:"all,delete-orphan"
          client lazy:false, cascade:"all,delete-orphan"
          employer lazy:false, cascade:"all,delete-orphan"

class Employee implements Comparable
    static hasMany = [employeeDesiredSkills:EmployeeDesiredSkill,

    static mapping = {
           employeeDesiredSkills cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false
           employeeDesiredTools cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false
           education cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false
           projects cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false

public class Role implements Comparable

    static belongsTo = [project:Project]
    static hasMany = [roleSkills:RoleSkill,roleTools:RoleTool]

    static mapping = {
        duties type:"text"
        roleSkills cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false
        roleTools cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false
        locationType cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false


    static contraints = {
        endDate(nullable: true)
        roleSkills(nullable: true)
        roleTools(nullable: true)

class Employer implements Comparable
   static mapping = {
       type lazy:false, cascade:"all,delete-orphan"

class RoleTool implements Comparable    

  static belongsTo = [role:Role, tool:Tool]//not sure this makes sense, but have to leave it or DB breaks
  Tool tool = new Tool(name:"")
    static mapping = {
      tool cascade:"save-update", lazy:false


class RoleSkill implements Comparable   

  static belongsTo = [role:Role, skill:Skill]//not sure this makes sense, but have to leave it or DB breaks
    Skill skill = new Skill(name:"")
    static mapping = {
       skill cascade:"save-update", lazy:false


class Skill implements Comparable
    static hasMany = [roleSkills:RoleSkill, employeeDesiredSkills:EmployeeDesiredSkill]

    static mapping = {
        roleSkills cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false
        employeeDesiredSkills cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false



class Tool implements Comparable

    static hasMany = [roleTools:RoleTool, employeeDesiredTools:EmployeeDesiredTool]

    static mapping = {
        roleTools cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false
        employeeDesiredTools cascade:"all,delete-orphan", lazy:false


if you have cascade for delete setup, like you do, you need to remove the object-to-delete from its parent before deleting it. From your stacktrace in ProcectController around line 50.

when you say "object to delete from its parent" does that mean that for this examle I need to remove Project from employee, or do I explicitly have to go down the tree removing all objects taht are about to be deleted from their parents?
Here is how I was doing the remove from ProjectController: def employee = project.employee; employee.removeFromProjects(project); project.delete(flush:true)
+1  A: 

Infact, the way you have done the mapping projects cascade:"all,delete-orphan" in the Employee class.

You'll just need to do:

def employee = project.employee; 

And the project will be deleted as well. For more details, refer to GORM Gotchas By Peter Ledbrook. Its a 3 part series and explains many similar situations

I finally got it working. It is not infact that simple. I think that there is a grails bug if the projects are stored in SortedSet, then it has a hard time doing that remove. I had to make a copy of the the projects, remove the one I wanted to delete, then add them back to employee to get this to work