



Does anyone know any good tutorials for this please? Or could anyone run me through some basic code for making this?

Please & thank you, Alex.

+1  A: 

Do you really need to write your own? Because you could just use intents and use someone else's file browser.

Stephan Branczyk
I was thinking about doing that using ES File Explorer, but I was just worried that it would annoy customers having to download another application if they don't have it.
Is the File Explorer a core feature of your app? Or just a side-feature? In any case, I would try it the easy way first, then you could always write your own custom file browser later on (assuming your users are really dissatisfied, which personally I don't think they will be. The way Android does intents, and possibly opens up the right Market application page if needed, it actually works surprisingly well for users).
Stephan Branczyk
The file explorer will just be used to read and save to files, the app is basically a text editor, so it is major, but yeah I'm just going to use intents for now. Thanks for the help :)