



The title basically says it for me... I need to be able to get a reference to a control inside my IValueConverter implementation. I have seen plenty of posts around MultiBinding, which Silverlight doesnt have.

Can I use the ConverterParameter somehow to get a reference to its self?


The whole idea behind value converters is to convert a type into another type regardless of the caller

You could use the parameter sent to Convert and ConvertBack to send more information but IMHO it would be bad practice if you did so to identify the caller

vc 74
I'm in a bit of a difficult situation, perhaps I need to take a step back here and look at it again, but I have a `TextBlock` which has its `Text` property bound to a DP in my `ViewModel`. I need to get the text, which is actualy XAML from an XML file, and populate the `Inlines` property of that `TextBlock`. How would I do that?
IMO, your view model should not contain XAML data. Only your view should know about XAML
vc 74
so how do you go about rich text from a data store then? as is bold, italics, bullet points etc...?
Theoritically, they should be represented by a non XAML structure or a XAML structure that is independent from your view. I clearly understand your point though, you may spend a lot of time trying to follow the 'theory'.
vc 74