



At my personal website while viewing a single post, i have an overview DIV, and in FF it has no space between the main header and the excerpt, but in IE there is a space there. Any idea on how I can get rid of that?

I have FireBug for FF and i installed IE Developer Toolbar on my other PC to try to inspect the code to find the problem, with no luck.

That is an example.

Any ideas?



+1  A: 

it looks like the div containing the calendar date is pushing it down because it's the excerpt has a width set to 100%, set it to 90% and you see it will go to the top.

edit: if you change the width ofthe container of the calendar DEC 19th thing to 80 from 88 it should look better

here's what i see in the IE Developer Toolbar

John Boker
In other words: change line 266 of style000.css to width:80px; This changes the alignment, though; the background image needs to be modified.
An alternative solution is to use position: absolute; on the post date. However, this and your second method (calendar width) will shift the content's text to the left a bit. That can be fixed, though.

When I add width:90%; to h2.excerpt, and it shrinks down that element? Is that what you were talking about?

Thank you,


one of the elements need to be shrunk because they both dont fit, try shrinking the 88px div to 80px and it should look ok. havent really tested just saw how it looks with the ie dev toolbar.
John Boker

Try adding a reset css file before you use any other style sheets. This will reset the inconsistencies in standard css between browsers.

Hey Marius I am using Blueprint CSS and there is a reset style included within.ThanksRyan