



I asked a pretty similar question a few days ago, but this one is different enough that I didn't feel like derailing the other helpful topic. I basically want to set up two text input fields and hook them both up with jQuery UI's Datepicker to have them act as a range... I want the second input field start date to be contingent upon what you've selected in the first input field. For instance if I select 10-25-2010 for the first field, then the earliest day you can select in the second field should be 10-26-2010. Any help or direction on this topic would be greatly appreciated!

+2  A: 
$(function() {

    $('#txtStartDate, #txtEndDate').datepicker({
        showOn: "both",
        beforeShow: customRange,
        dateFormat: "dd M yy",


function customRange(input) {

    if ( == 'txtEndDate') {
        var minDate = new Date($('#txtStartDate').val());
        minDate.setDate(minDate.getDate() + 1)

        return {
            minDate: minDate



crazy demo

Works like a charm. Thanks a million!
+1  A: 

    //your other configurations.     

     onSelect: function(){
     var start = $('#firstinputfield').val();
     var days = parseInt('1');
     var date = new Date(start);
     var d = date.getDate();
     var m = date.getMonth();
     var y = date.getFullYear();
     var edate= new Date(y, m, d+days);

        //Your other configurations.

