Ok... this is sort of a two-parter here. (Sort of. May actually just be one. That's what I'm hoping anyway.)
First, more generally, is it possible to target, via XAML only, a named item in a control's template? For instance, if a control's template has a ContentPresenter named 'PART_Foo' and we want to specifically set the HorizontalAlignment on that specific item to 'Stretch' via pure styling, can it be done? I know we can do this in the OnApplyTemplate override of a subclass where we explicitly search for the control by name then set the property in code, but again, we're hoping for a XAML-only solution so we can do this strictly via styling and not subclasses, which are mostly discouraged anyway except for specific use-case scenarios.
Also, we do not want to have to manually specify the template for the control as we want the current theme to determine what that template is and thus how the control appears. We just want to say 'In whatever template the theme has chosen, if there's a part named 'foo', set this property on it via pure styling. If a part with that name isn't found, do nothing!
The desire for a XAML-only approach is more because of the second part, which is we're targeting a generated container object, not the control itself, meaning it wouldn't be a straight subclass anyway as we'd have to muck around with ItemcontainerGenerators and such, which is a real pain in the a$$, especially when the ItemsControl is virtualized.
For specifics, our ultimate goal is to single out the Border named 'Bd' in a TreeView's TreeViewItem's template and set its attached property 'Grid.ColumnSpan' to '2' instead of its default of '1'. That's it! It amazes me how something so simple seems damn near impossible without manually replacing the entire TreeViewItem's template or resorting to a code-behind-based solution.