



Hi everybody,

I have the following .NET web service with the following signature (IServices.cs):

        [WebInvoke(Method = "GET",
             BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare,
             ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
        string ReturnListOfPersons();

The implementation is (in the Services.svc.cs):

public string ReturnListOfPersons(){
System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer oSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
List<Person> listPersons= myModel.ReturnPersons();
var myList = from a in listPersons 
             select new { FirtName = a.FirstName; LastName = a.LastName};                    
string strJSon = oSerializer.Serialize(myList.Distinct());
StringBuilder sbJSon = new StringBuilder();
sbJSon.AppendFormat("{0}", strJSon);
return sbJSon.ToString();

The code above is simplified because I have some joins and "try catches".

Anyway, the problem is that the returned json string is :


Well, it's normal because of the "toString" method. But, I'm trying to get the exact Json format: without the double quotes in the beginning and of course, without the backslashes with the ability to escape the special chars. So, I would get:


Is it possible?

Thank you,



Your first example is not valid JSON. This is what you see in Visual Studio debugger which escapes the strings. What is actually sent is the second.

Darin Dimitrov
You are right. I'm able now to "alert" the returned string on the client side and it displays the second json example I gave. Thans ;)