




I want to set rounded corners on a QDialog. Since it is a top-level window, border-radius doesn't work, so I've to do this :

QRegion EnterPinDialog::roundedRect(const QRect& rect, int r)
    QRegion region;

    // middle and borders
    region += rect.adjusted(r, 0, -r, 0);
    region += rect.adjusted(0, r, 0, -r);

    // top left
    QRect corner(rect.topLeft(), QSize(r*2, r*2));
    region += QRegion(corner, QRegion::Ellipse);

    // top right
    region += QRegion(corner, QRegion::Ellipse);

    // bottom left
    region += QRegion(corner, QRegion::Ellipse);

    // bottom right
    region += QRegion(corner, QRegion::Ellipse);

    return region;

and I call it this way :

this->setMask(roundedRect(this->rect(), 8));

It works, but the problem is that corners are pixelized.

Is there a way to get it without having these pixelized corners ? If yes, how ?

+1  A: 

Depending on what you want the dialog to look like you can completely restyle even toplevel windows via css, they adhere to the box model see the whole stylesheet documentation.

border: 2px; border-radius 2px;

Will give you a 2px wide border with a radius of 2px.

I general you should be able to handle most of your ui customisation needs through the stylesheets

Harald Scheirich