Hi All,
I am moving data from an old table to a SQL server new version and am struggling with something that hopefully someone can help with.
I have a column in the old table with 'EmployeeName' in the order firstname.lastname. In the new table we will be using a guid to identify the employees. The table with the guid's has the names in the order 'lastname, firstname' so my function that I wrote to pull the guid for the employee fails to match the names.
How can I in SQL server convert 'firstname.lastname' to 'lastname, firstname'?
here is the function I wrote:
ALTER FUNCTION [Wire].[udf_GetEmployeeGuid_FromName]
( @EmployeeName VARCHAR(50) -- format 'firstname.lastname')
RETURNS uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @EmployeeGuid uniqueidentifier
SELECT @EmployeeGuid = GUID
FROM B.Employees --format 'lastname, firstname'
WHERE LEFT(@EmployeeName, CHARINDEX('.', @EmployeeName)) = RIGHT([Name], LEN([Name]) - CHARINDEX(', ', [Name]))
RETURN IsNull(@EmployeeGuid, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')