



My Google sitemap renders well through XSLT fine without the xmlns="" in the < urlset > element, however when included, my foreach statement doesn't work and nothing renders in the template. My code's below. Thanks for your help.


<urlset xmlns=""&gt;
<lastmod>{current_time format="%Y-%m-%d"}</lastmod>


<xsl:template match="/">
<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
  <th>Last Modified</th>
  <th>Update Frequency</th>
<xsl:for-each select="urlset/url">
  <td><xsl:value-of select="loc"/></td>
  <td><xsl:value-of select="lastmod"/></td>
  <td><xsl:value-of select="changefreq"/></td>
  <td><xsl:value-of select="priority"/></td>
+3  A: 

My Google sitemap renders well through XSLT fine without the xmlns="" in the <urlset> element, however when included, my foreach statement doesn't work and nothing renders in the template

This is a FAQ.

XPath treats any unprefixed name as belonging to "no namespace". However, the elements in the provided document belong to the "" namespace -- not to "no namespace".

Therefore, the following XPath expression doesn't select any node at all:



Define the "" namespace in the XSLT stylesheet and associate a prefix to it. Then use this prefix with all names that participate in any XPath expression.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

 <xsl:template match="/">
      <table border="1">
        <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
          <th>Last Modified</th>
          <th>Update Frequency</th>
        <xsl:for-each select="s:urlset/s:url">
            <td><xsl:value-of select="s:loc"/></td>
            <td><xsl:value-of select="s:lastmod"/></td>
            <td><xsl:value-of select="s:changefreq"/></td>
            <td><xsl:value-of select="s:priority"/></td>

when this transformation is applied on the provided XML document:

<urlset xmlns=""&gt;
        <lastmod>{current_time format="%Y-%m-%d"}</lastmod>

it correctly produces the following result:

      <table border="1">
         <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
            <th>Last Modified</th>
            <th>Update Frequency</th>
            <td>{current_time format="%Y-%m-%d"}</td>
Dimitre Novatchev
Excellent answer! Thanks! Your explanation was very clear and the solution worked!
Do you know how to make the {site_url} into a clickable url. When I try the code below, I get the following error - "XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: Line Number 194, Column 26:" with an arrow point to first left brace of the xsl syntax - Code as follows - "<td><a href='<xsl:value-of select="s:loc"/>'><xsl:value-of select="s:loc"/></a></td> "
@Julian: This is another FAQ :). Use: `<a href='{s:loc}'>`
Dimitre Novatchev
Dimitre you rock! Thanks once again! I also have another question :). Bare with me, I'm really new to XSLT having come across it two days ago. Anyhow, I've noticed IE specific rules don't work such as the following below. How do I get IE 6 and above to process them. Code as follows - '<!--[if IE 6]><style type="text/css" media="all">@import "/css/ie6.css";</style>'
@Julian: It would be best to ask your questions as questions -- not in the comments. I would be glad to answer them :)
Dimitre Novatchev
@Dimitre - Done, here's the new question -

the xpath will need the namespace as a prefix, eg


if it was xmlns:x="" you could use


it looks like this page will help

EDIT: I was going to post that and follow up with an example of how to use xsl to define the prefix, but Dimitre already has.

Luke Schafer