



Hi All,

for some specific requirement I am required to change Android Default Home application with my customized Home application ( a setting inside my app that will toggle default home = my application or previous home)

I don't want the user to travel android settings that are very complicated.

Can any one help me out like where it registers launcher.apk for default home application or how to change that

The only thing I could find was that old question:

but no answers at all.

I have seen HomeSwitcher in the Market that do the trick, but no answer for the developer that might certainly be busy.



I found this on the web[email protected]/msg74167.html

But I got the same issue:

this is my code:

    private void makePreferred() {
            PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
            IntentFilter f = new IntentFilter("android.intent.action.MAIN");
            ComponentName cn = new ComponentName("",

""); pm.addPreferredActivity(f, IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_EMPTY, null, cn);

I have the android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS set in the manifest. After executing the code above, the logs claim things have been added like expected (same logs as when I tick off "Make default" from IntentResolver's list). However, when I proceed by clicking home, the list still shows up and the logs say:

INFO/PackageManager(52): Result set changed, dropping preferred activity for Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat= [android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 } type null

So it seems the resolver deletes the default entry. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a security measure? What are the ideas behind this?

Thanks folks!