




looking for a p2p library for

peer to peer and peer to peer(S)

so far I've come across

Brunet http://boykin.acis.ufl.edu/wiki/index.php/Brunet   
// does not seem to have #2 above

WCF P2P  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc297274.aspx
// does not seem to have NAT / UPnP

OpenServer http://openserve.codeplex.com/
// not truly p2p but can be added per owner

ZK++ http://zkpp.codeplex.com/
// DC compatible, not whole lot of info though

Flowlib  http://code.google.com/p/flowlib/
// supports DC/ADC but no activity since Jan 2009 ???

NextHUB http://sourceforge.net/projects/nexthub/
// officially stopped Jan 2010 after no activity in a year !

so the choice is not very clear, Any that i missed ? Are there any commerical .net libraries ?

Any comments on the choices above from personal experience perhaps ?


There's also our MsgConnect available. Doesn't support UPnP but one can add it himself.

Eugene Mayevski 'EldoS Corp
from the desc here http://www.eldos.com/msgconnect/desc.php, it's pretty vanilla, some additional functions over a raw socket or use the openserver above ! Ideally looking for a current .net implementation of ADC or DC