I want to get count of all Retweets for a specific Tweet from Twitter. I used Twitterizer
There's a RetweetCount
property in Twitterizer. http://www.twitterizer.net/documentation/html/P_Twitterizer_TwitterStatus_RetweetCount.htm
in C# it would be like:
TwitterStatus Tweet;
Tweet.Id = '2134213'; //set the twitter ID
2010-10-01 07:33:14
I know this function but how to use it?
2010-10-01 08:49:20
I updated my answer, I havent tested it yet but its how it should work.
2010-10-01 09:19:56
I don't have tweet id, I want to give tweet as text.
2010-10-02 19:03:23
Ruel is on the right track, but a little off.
The code (in the latest version: 2.3) would look like this:
TwitterResponse<TwitterStatus> statusResponse = TwitterStatus.Show(123456);
int RetweetsOfThatStatus = statusResponse.ResponseObject.RetweetCount;
Feel free to ask any additional questions on the forums. I usually answer questions there throughout the day.
Twitterizer's Architect/Developer
Ricky Smith
2010-10-01 21:28:27
You're trying to supply the text of a tweet and found out how many times that text has been tweeted?There is nothing built into the Twitter API (and therefore into Twitterizer) that could perform this exactly. The closest thing you could do is use the Search API to search for the text, page through the result, and count them as you go. Since you're not looking at a specific tweet (by ID) this wouldn't only be proper 'retweets' and would include false positives and omit any variations in the text.
Ricky Smith
2010-10-02 19:43:39
@hotcode: I don't think that any twitter client api is providing that feature for you. but you can try to search for:
RT @user: text
on twitter and then parse the results if it is really a retweet of your intented tweet. If that doesn't work on twitter (WARNING: I will now shamelessly make some advertising) you can do this here
2010-10-20 21:50:29