i've wrote the following Haskell code
import Data.Attoparsec (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Char8 as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
someWithSep sep p = A.sepBy p sep
the code is suppose to work this way :
main*> A.parse (someWithSep A.skipSpace A.decimal) $ B.pack "123 45 67 89"
Done "" [123,45,67,89]
but since I've defined someWithSep like in the code written above, I always get the following behavior :
main*> A.parse (someWithSep A.skipSpace A.decimal) $ B.pack "123 45 67 89"
Partial _
unless I provide a corrupted entry :
main*> A.parse (someWithSep A.skipSpace A.decimal) $ B.pack "123 45 67 89f"
Done "f" [123,45,67,89]
How can I correct this ?
thanks to reply