I have two images and I want to multiply these two images together in C# as we multiply two layers in photoshop.
I have two images and I want to multiply these two images together in C# as we multiply two layers in photoshop.
Here I have a suggestion - I didn't test it, so sorry for any errors - I'm also assuming that both images have the same size and are greylevel.
Basically I'm multiplying the image A for the relative pixel percentage of image B.
You can try different formulas like:
int result = ptrB[0] * ( (ptrA[0] / 255) + 1); or int result = (ptrB[0] * ptrA[0]) / 255;
Never forget to check for overflow (above 255)
public void Multiply(Bitmap srcA, Bitmap srcB, Rectangle roi)
BitmapData dataA = SetImageToProcess(srcA, roi);
BitmapData dataB = SetImageToProcess(srcB, roi);
int width = dataA.Width;
int height = dataA.Height;
int offset = dataA.Stride - width;
byte* ptrA = (byte*)dataA.Scan0;
byte* ptrB = (byte*)dataB.Scan0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x, ++ptrA, ++ptrB)
int result = ptrA[0] * ( (ptrB[0] / 255) + 1);
ptrA[0] = result > 255 ? 255 : (byte)result;
ptrA += offset;
ptrB += offset;
static public BitmapData SetImageToProcess(Bitmap image, Rectangle roi)
if (image != null)
return image.LockBits(
return null;
I have found the method by which the layers are multiplied in photoshop or any other application.
Following is the formula that I have found on GIMP documentation. It says that
where M and I are the color component(R,G,B) values of the two layers. We have to apply this to every color component. E will be the resultant value for that color component.
If the color component values are >255 then it should be set to white i.e. 255 and if it is <0 then it should be set as Black i.e. 0