




I have a simulation engine that I would like to parallelize first and later develop as a web service in C#. This is an intensive simulation that requires a lot of CPU and RAM and I would like to split each run on a separate thread. To give you a better idea the simulation can run 100 runs and for each run I collect some results. It would be straightforward to collect the results from each run and then collate them into one big file. So if I have a multi-core machine with 4 cores for example the idea is to run 4 runs on each core and then another 4 ... etc. I have read a few things about Parallel Extensions in the newer version of .net. Could I achieve the same things in 3.5 or would it be better to move to 4.0? Also anything to watch out if I make this a web service? Any further ideas or suggestions are more than welcome.


You might be using Task Parallel Library
