I'm trying to pass a struct from one object to another. I have the following code:
private void mainMenuStripNewProject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmNewProject frmNewProject = new frmNewProject(this);
if (frmNewProject.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
StructProjectSettings tempProjectSettings = frmNewProject.getSettings();
newProjectEvent(tempProjectSettings); //Fetchs settings from the new project form
However, I get the following error:
Error 14 Cannot implicitly convert type 'NathanUpload.frmNewProject.StructProjectSettings' to 'NathanUpload.Main.StructProjectSettings' o:\daten\visual studio 2010\Projects\NathanUpload\NathanUpload\Main.cs 43
The structs in each class are declared public class variables and are identical.
Thanks for the help in advance!