I have a Parent/Child Table relationship with the ChildTable linking back to the ParentTable via the ParentId foreign key. There's multiple records in the ChildTable for each ParentTable record. For those of use you like rudimentary visuals, here's the diagram.
What I'm trying to do is return only ONE record for each ParentTable item that's joined to the most recent ChildTable's date value (Note, not the Parent's Date value). The results would look like:
ParentTable::Id ParentTable::Foo ChildTable:Id ChildData::Foo ChildData::Date
--------------- ---------------- ------------- -------------- ---------------
55 Other Values 700 Other values 12/1/2010
1 " 1000 " 11/30/2010
10 " 214 " 10/31/2010
It's important that the ChildData::Date is sorted descending.
This seems like it should be simple, but I'm struggling with the LinQ2SQL aspects of it. I'm still waiting for my "ah-ha" moment when I can think in Linq.
Here's the final answer, thanks to Winston:
var results =
from p in parent
join c in (from c2 in child orderby c2.Date descending select c2)
on p.Id equals c.ParentId into childGroup
select new { ParentId=p.Id, ParentDate=p.Date, ChildDate=childGroup.First().Date } into NewResult
orderby NewResult.Activity descending
select NewResult