




I am having a service which calls a C++ COM dll. The C++ COM dll causes some problem and the service crashes.

I couldn't figure it at what point the service crash. I used debugdiag. But it is not putting any crash dump.

Kindly let me know how I can debug a application crash. Or direct me to some good tutorials and tools.

Many thanks.

+1  A: 

Attach the Visual Studio debugger to your service via Tools / Attach to process. You might need to check Show processes from all users in order to see your service in the list.

The service is in .Net 2.0. But the COM dll is from VC6. I couldn't find Attach to process in VC6. Whether attach to process in VS2008 shall work?
I don't have VC6 here, but is it **Build > Start Debug > Attach to Process**? Or attaching using a later version of Visual Studio ought to work fine.
Yes :D. Its there. I will try it. Thanks Richie.
@Jai - If you have any later version of Visual Studio, attach using that. The debugging environment is much richer.
Steve Townsend