Is there a way to tell if a disk has a GPT or an MBR partition with powershell?
No. PowerShell does not have any native built-in commands for this. PowerShell, as the name suggests, is a shell. It comes with a good set of useful, generic cmdlets but specialization like this is left to external native commands (like diskpart), modules and/or snapins.
Since you're always going to find diskpart.exe where you find powershell, use that.
2010-10-01 18:21:12
I was looking at WMI or .net library calls. I will see about parsing the output of diskpart.exe
2010-10-01 18:39:37
take a look at the output of: gwmi win32_partition | % { $_ | fl * }
2010-10-01 18:43:09
Using WMI
gwmi -query "Select * from Win32_DiskPartition WHERE Index = 0" | Select-Object DiskIndex, @{Name="GPT";Expression={$_.Type.StartsWith("GPT")}}
Using Diskpart
$a = "list disk" | diskpart
$m = [String]::Join("`n", $a) | Select-String -Pattern "Disk (\d+).{43}(.)" -AllMatches
$m.Matches | Select-Object @{Name="DiskIndex";Expression={$_.Groups[1].Value}}, @{Name="GPT";Expression={$_.Groups[2].Value -eq "*"}}
2010-10-01 19:37:40