




I wrote a simple C# tcp server/client application, it works fine on the local network but when i tried connecting to the server from a different network, it wont connect. I looked up on port forwarding and i set the port and ip-address to forward to my local server but still the same problem. What do i do? What other settings do i need to change?


Check windows firewall settings.

+1  A: 

It rather networking/administrative issue, so it maybe more usefull to ask this question at serverfault.com. But anyway, to figured out what the problem is, you should try to connect to remote server with some another tool like telnet or with something like online port scanner.

If you can't connect than you should disable all firewalls (or another security tools like "security essentials") and check your router's log files to investigate why you can't connect.

Sergey Teplyakov