




I'm trying to take the convolution of an array of data, 256x256, with a filter, 3x3 on a GPU using shared memory. I understand that I'm to break the array up in blocks, and then apply the filter within each block. This ultimately means that blocks with overlap along the edges, and some padding will need to be done around the edges where there is no data so that the filter works properly.

int grid = (256/(16+3-1))*(256/(16+3-1)) where 256 is the length or width of my array, 16 is the length or wide of my block in shared memory, 3 is the length or width of my filter, and I minus one to make it so it's even.

int thread = (16+3-1)*(16+3-1)

Now I call my kernel <<>>(output, input, 256) input and output are an array of size 256*256

__global__ void kernel(float *input, float *output, int size)
    __shared__ float tile[16+3-1][16+3-1];
    blockIdx.x = bIdx;
    blockIdy.y = bIdy;
    threadIdx.x = tIdx;
    threadIdy.y = tIdy

    //i is for input
    unsigned int iX = bIdx * 3 + tIdx;
    unsigned int iY = bIdy * 3 + tIdy;

    if (tIdx == 0 || tIdx == width || tIdy == 0 || tIdy == height)
        //this will pad the outside edges
        block[tIdy][tIdx] = 0;
        //This will fill in the block with real data
        unsigned int iin = iY * size + iX;
        block[tIdy][tIdx] = idata[iin];


    //I believe is above is correct; below, where I do the convolution, I feel is wrong
    float result = 0;
    for(int fX=-N/2; fX<=N/2; fX++){
        for(int fY=-N/2; fY<=N/2; fY++){
            if(iY+fX>=0 && iY+fX<size && iX+fY>=0 && iX+fY<size)
    output[iY*size+iX] = result/(3*3);

When I run the code, if I run the convolution part, I get a kernel error. Any insights? Or suggestions?