I have to compute the correlation matrix on vectors contained in a csv file of 5GB. Each row contains one observation for each random variable. To do this I wrote the following:
let getCorrMatrix data =
let getMatrixInfo nCol (count,crossProd:float array array,sumVector:float array,sqVector:float array) (newLine:float array) =
for i in 0..(nCol-1) do
for j in (i+1)..(nCol-1) do
let newCount = count+1
//Get number of columns
let nCol = data|>Seq.head|>Seq.length
//Initialize objects for the fold
let matrixStart = Array.init nCol (fun i -> Array.create (nCol-i-1) 0.0)
let sumVector = Array.init nCol (fun _ -> 0.0)
let sqVector = Array.init nCol (fun _ -> 0.0)
let init = (0,matrixStart,sumVector,sqVector)
//Run the fold and obtain all the elements to build te correlation matrix
let (count,crossProd,sum,sq) =
|>PSeq.fold(getMatrixInfo nCol) init
//Compute averages standard deviations, and finally correlations
let averages = sum|>Array.map(fun s ->s/(float count))
let std = Array.zip3 sum sq averages
|> Array.map(fun (elemSum,elemSq,av)-> let temp = elemSq-2.0*av*elemSum+float(count)*av*av
sqrt (temp/(float count-1.0)))
//Map allteh elements to correlation
let rec getCorr i j =
if i=j then
elif i<j then
(crossProd.[i].[j-(i+1)]-averages.[i]*sum.[j]-averages.[j]*sum.[i]+(float count*averages.[i]*averages.[j]) )/((float count-1.0)*std.[i]*std.[j])
getCorr j i
let corrMatrix = Array2D.init nCol nCol (fun i j -> getCorr i j)
I have tested it against R computation and it matches. Since I plan to use this again and again if you have some feedback (or spot a mistake) it would be greatly appreciated. (Note I post this because thought it might be useful to others too).