



whats the best way to tell if a value in javascript is a single digit. Ive been doing something like

var valAsString = '' + val;
if (valAsString.match(/\d/) {}

clarification: I mean one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Also, should what I have work? Im surprised how many different ways people are coming up with for this.


If you don't want to include negatives this will work, as will your solution.

var valAsString = val.toString();
if (valAsString.length === 1) {}

You could just check if the string is between -10 and 10 (assuming you want to include negatives). This will be fastest, but will not work for non-integers, so its probably best avoided.

If you do want to include negatives I'd probably check to see if the number is an integer then I'd go with something like this:

var isSingleDigitIncludingNegatives = function( arg ) {
    return ((typeof(myNum)=='number') && (myNum.toString().indexOf('.')==-1)) && (( -10 < arg ) && ( arg < 10))
Type conversion can make things complicated, e.g.: `isSingleDigit("\t\r\n ") === true;`
4.5 is also a single digit.
Mark Byers
fixed stupid problems that I left in. Thanks guys :D

Assuming that val is already numeric...

if ((val >= 0) && (val < 10) && (Math.floor(val) == val)) {
    // ...
`val = "\t"` (ASCII 9) will cause it to identify as a number.
Andrew Dunn
@Andrew: That's why I said *"assuming that `val` is already numeric"*. If `val` isn't a number then the tests would need to change. The OP wasn't clear on whether or not `val` was numeric.

How about something like this:

var check = parseFloat(val);
var isSingleDigit = (!isNaN(check) && (check < 10 && check > -10) && check.toString().length ==1);
So is `1.23456` a single-digit number?
oh you are correct. Thank you. Edited based on your suggestion.
+1  A: 

Ummm, check if it's string length is equal to one?

if (typeof(val) === "number")
    var valAsString = val.toString(10);
    if (valAsString.length === 1) {}

This won't accept negative numbers or numbers with decimal components though.

Andrew Dunn
will this accept 'a'?
`typeof('a') !== "number"`
Andrew Dunn
Testing page:
Andrew Dunn
good answer ...:-)
sushil bharwani
ahh didnt see the type test
If you look at the revisions you can see my previous code which was only 2 lines long if you were looking for less code. It did the same thing, it just incorporated the type check into the other `if` statement.
Andrew Dunn
+1  A: 

The /\d/ regexp will match a digit anywhere on a string, for example in "foo1" will match "1".

For a regexp approach need something like this, to ensure that the string will contain a single digit:

if (/^\d$/.test(val))  {

Note that I'm using the test method, which is recommended when you only want to check if a string matches the pattern, also, the test method internally will convert to sting the argument.

Another short non-regexp approach:

function isDigit(val) {
  return String(+val).charAt(0) == val;
@cms what is the + in +val doing?
@hvgotcodes, is doing type conversion to Number. It is basically ensuring that the `String` constructor gets a `Number` value as the argument. For example `typeof +'1' == 'number';`. `+` in this example, is the [unary plus operator](
checkmark because its the least amount of typing.

You can use the below modification of your regular expression:



I think

(+val + val % 1 + 10) % 10 === val

should do it, assuming you only want to accept values of type number.

A cleaner solution is

typeof val === 'number' && val >>> 0 === val % 10

which can be easily adapted to include values of other types.
