



Ok here is my code so far:

@implementation PtyView

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame;
    if (self = [super initWithFrame: frame])
        [self setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Courier" size:0.0]];
        [self startTask];
    return self;

- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event
    const char * typein = [[event characters] UTF8String];
     writeData:[NSData dataWithBytes:typein length:strlen(typein)]];

the problem is that I want to trigger "startTask" from another implementation but, if I just "startTask" it won't display the output because I didn't use initWithFrame.

How would I do this?

Thanks, Elijah


If you want to call startTask from somewhere else without first creating an instance of PtyView then startTask must be a static method, not an instance method.

Put this in your @interface:

+ (void)startTask;

Put this in your @implementation

+ (void)startTask
    // Code goes here

Put this when you want to call it:

[PtyView startTask];

Notes: The + means it's a static method. You cannot access instance variables from a static method.

Yes, but see my problem? I have initWithFrame that starts the task when the program starts. I want to start the ask somewhere else in my code. BUT, I can't because without init frame, the task won't print the output. Any ideas?
Elijah W.
You're not being clear about what you want to do. It sounds like you might want a singleton though, but that's just a guess.
well, instead of initWithFrame starting when the program starts, can it be call-able? What do you mean by singleton? can you show an example?
Elijah W.

Well, I think, you are looking for something like the "Execute" button in for your (version of) ( ). Right?

basically, yes :D BUT, I need to send data to a running task, I cannot do that with AMshellWrapper. Any ideas?
Elijah W.