



Hello Here are 2 maps, 1 a static image and 1 this far I newbie getting styling a gmap accordingly.

alt text alt text Could you help making the gmap even more looking alike the static image for instance activating the red parts? Here's the current style

  var darkStyle = [
      featureType: "all",
      elementType: "labels",
      stylers: [
        { invert_lightness: true }

    } ,

        featureType: "water",
        elementType: "all",
        stylers: [
          { visibility: "on" },
          { saturation: 40 },
          { lightness: -92 }
          featureType: "landscape",
          elementType: "all",
          stylers: [
            { hue: "#6d8f39" },
            { saturation: 50 },
            { lightness: -50 },
           { gamma: 0.9 },

          featureType: "administrative.locality",
          elementType: "labels",
          stylers: [
            { hue: "#0022ff" },
            { saturation: 50 },
            { lightness: -10 },
            { gamma: 0.9 }


Can I change the marker color with javascript or need the KML? Thanks!