I have been racking my brain for a few days trying to get a list of calendars from Google using DotNetOpenAuth.
I can successfully get a list of contacts using the DotNetOpenAuth Samples. I have integrated it with my domain using the OpenId+OAuth. Everything works great to get a list of contacts.
So from there I modified the code to try to retrieve a list of Calendars and I keep getting a 401 Unauthorized error.
I know it is authorizing because I can get the contact list. Does anyone have a code example how they are retrieving calendars or calendar events using the DotNetOpenAuth with Google???
Thanks for the response. I have read everything I can get my hands on. Here is what I have done so far
Step 1: I created a new GetCalendarEndPoint in the GoogleConsumer.cs
private static readonly MessageReceivingEndpoint GetCalendarEndpoint = new MessageReceivingEndpoint("https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default", HttpDeliveryMethods.GetRequest);
Step 2: Next I created a new method GetCalendars patterned after the GetContacts Method in GoogleConsumer.cs - (Rebuilt the dll etc.)
public static XDocument GetCalendars(ConsumerBase consumer, string accessToken, int maxResults/* = 25*/, int startIndex/* = 1*/) {
if (consumer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("consumer");
var request = consumer.PrepareAuthorizedRequest(GetCalendarEndpoint, accessToken);
var response = consumer.Channel.WebRequestHandler.GetResponse(request);
string body = response.GetResponseReader().ReadToEnd();
XDocument result = XDocument.Parse(body);
return result;
Step 3: In my Application I modified the ScopeURI to the the Calendar URI from GoogleConsumer as follows
private IAuthenticationRequest GetGoogleRequest()
Realm realm = Request.Url.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + Global.GoogleTokenManager.ConsumerKey + "/";
IAuthenticationRequest authReq = relyingParty.CreateRequest(GoogleOPIdentifier, realm);
// Prepare the OAuth extension
string scope = GoogleConsumer.GetScopeUri(GoogleConsumer.Applications.Calendar);
Global.GoogleWebConsumer.AttachAuthorizationRequest(authReq, scope);
// We also want the user's email address
var fetch = new FetchRequest();
return authReq;
However, when I run the app I get 401 Unauthorized when I make the following call
var calendars = GoogleConsumer.GetCalendars(Global.GoogleWebConsumer, State.GoogleAccessToken, 25, 1);
I have also checked that the State.GoogleAccess token exists by simply displaying it on my screen before I trigger the method that makes this call.
Again, if I exectute
var calendars = GoogleConsumer.GetContacs(Global.GoogleWebConsumer, State.GoogleAccessToken, 25, 1);
then it works??????? Thanks for you help.