well, i'm a redditer, i don't write m$, but i run a linux box and i mostly use open source programming languages.
i had this little project for a windows environment and i was like "ok, try it out in c#".
it was a pretty simple task: connect to a remote machine via ssh, collect some data, parse and analyze it.
so, you try it out: google "[programming language] + ssh"
i tried "c# ssh".
the first entry is from a forum. they talk about various libraries, mostly not free, and expensive. i then came to a link to site where there is a comparison chart (http://www.eldos.com/sbb/sftpcompare.php). The second row on the table (where the first is the name of the product) is "Price". The row reads like:
1. $315 with source code
2. $799 for .NET desktop, $1199 for .NET CF
3. $209 without source code, $399 with source code
4. $599 $800 (per project)
5. $349 without source code, $1399 with source code
great, if i go for the cheap one, my 2 day simple project costs me $209.
guess what? i ended up typing "python ssh" instead. this offered me a selection of free, open source libraries (pussh, pssh, pyssh, distribulator, sshcontroller, pexpect, twisted matrix, twisted conch, paramiko). i went for paramiko. four hours later the project was up and running. for free. almost, because i donated $10 to the paramiko project for helping me rediscover why i love so much the opensource community.
footnote: i then ran the program in my linux box because python is portable, c# is not.