I've got few files in resources (xsd files) that i use for validating received xml messages. The resource file i use is named AppResources.resx and it contains a file called clientModels.xsd. When i try to use the file like this: AppResources.clientModels, i get a string with the file's content. i would like to get a stream instead. i do not wish to use assembly.GetManifestResourceStream as i had bad experiences with it (using these streams to archive files with SharpZipLib didn't work for some reason). is there any other way to do it? i've heard about ResourceManager - is it anything that could help me?
Could you feed the string you get into a System.IO.StringReader, perhaps? That may do what you want. You may also want to check out MemoryStream.
I would normallly use the way you do not want to use.
however here is a link to a smaple which uses the resourse manager. (I have not used this)
except use
HTH bones
here is the code from the link
//Namespace reference
using System;
using System.Resources;
#region ReadResourceFile
/// <summary>
/// method for reading a value from a resource file
/// (.resx file)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file">file to read from</param>
/// <param name="key">key to get the value for</param>
/// <returns>a string value</returns>
public string ReadResourceValue(string file, string key)
//value for our return value
string resourceValue = string.Empty;
// specify your resource file name
string resourceFile = file;
// get the path of your file
string filePath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString();
// create a resource manager for reading from
//the resx file
ResourceManager resourceManager = ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager(resourceFile, filePath, null);
// retrieve the value of the specified key
resourceValue = resourceManager.GetString(key);
catch (Exception ex)
resourceValue = string.Empty;
return resourceValue;
I did not write the code it came from
I have a zip file loaded as a resource, and referencing it directly from the namespace gives me bytes, not a string. Right-click on your file in the resources designer, and change the filetype from text to binary. Then you will get a bytearray, which you could load into a MemoryStream.