




I'm trying to do something stupid with the konami.js function, but having an issue.

$('#page1').load('service.html', function(){
        konami = new Konami();
        konami.code = function() {


func() is just a $.show() that I have defined in the main script.js that is sourced in the head of the index that calls and displays page1.

Everything works just fine if I click on the body, or within the page1 div, before entering the konami code, but otherwise the div just flashes quickly.

I've tried adding a $.focus to the parent tag of page1, as well as a child of page1 (e.g. an element of service.html), but still I have to click with my mouse in order for it to work.

Here is a link to the page if it's necessary. http://science.users.anapnea.net The function is supposed to work within the 'implementation' section navigable to by the left side nav section.

Any ideas on how to get this working would be quite helpful. thanks