



Does anyone know how to get MySQL transactions working under Mono?

I'm using MySQL Connector/NET (via Subsonic 3) and it works perfectly under Microsoft .NET. Recently however I tried running the same site under Mono on Ubuntu and it almost works - except I can't seem to get transactions working.

Reading around the Mono/MySQL sites it's not exactly clear what is and isn't supported.

The original problem is a NotImplementedExcetion with call stack like this:

[System.NotImplementedException]: The requested feature is not implemented.

at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.EnlistTransaction (System.Transactions.Transaction) <0x00181> 
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open () <0x00381> 
at SubSonic.DataProviders.DbDataProvider.CreateConnection (string) <0x00059> 
at SubSonic.DataProviders.DbDataProvider.CreateConnection () <0x00015>

There's a few mentions of this on the MySQL site which seem to point to Mono not supporting the required infrastructure to make transactions work. There's also a comment that transactions work fine when using CommittableTransaction rather than TransactionScope. So I tried that, but got the same exception.

Another comment on the MySQL site suggested rebuilding the MySQL data provider with the MONO build option. Which I tried and the site now works, but transactions aren't being used - they've been simply disabled. Really?

I find it hard to believe that transactions can't be made to work in this environment, but can't find a working example.

Mono 2.6.7, MySQL Connection/NET 6.3.4, Subsonic 3, Ubuntu 10.10


Figured it out. It's TransactionScope that doesn't seem to work. Reverting back to DbConnection.BeginTransaction works fine. I've written up how to do it under Subsonic here:
