is it possible to decide at runtime which properties of a JS object should be enumerated?
Something like
myobj = {};
myobj.keys = function() { // I made this keys function up. Is there something like that in JS?
if ((new Date).getSeconds() < 30)
return [1,2,3];
return [4,5,6];
for(p in myobj)
console.log(p); // returns either 1,2,3 or 4,5,6
Furthermore, is it possible to call a function if a object's property does not exist? Something like
myobj.fallbackFunction = function(arg) { return arg; };
console.log( myobj['nonexisting-property'] ); // returns the string 'nonexisting-property'
And my final question: Is it possible to call an object as a function? Like
myobj.call = function(arg) { console.log(arg) };
myobj(123) // returns 123`
Sorry, I've had a look at Qt's QScriptEngine where you can do stuff like that, but I don't know how to implement this in native JS...
Cheers, Manuel